Hello fellow sexual beings.
My Name is Rocky Peterson and I have created a very special Masterclass for you.
If your lover is a man, the course I have for you is called The Best He’s Ever Had
If your lover is a Woman, the course I have for you is called The Best She’s Ever Had.
These are 2 completely different courses.
What we do to be an amazing lover to a man is vastly different than what we do to amaze a woman. You select the course based upon the gender of your intended lover.
These Masterclasses can be purchased individually or as a package.

Let’s begin with what is in the Best She’s Ever Had.
Guys, I know you are already amazing in bed. But take it from an old man, women want more.
How do I know? Women come from all over the world to “experience” what I am about to teach you. They pay me to take off their clothes, lie on my massage table and touch them in ways they dream of being touched.
I teach women who have never had an orgasm, how to orgasm. Some of these same women have even learned to ejaculate. I have women fall in love with me, come back week after week, and plead with me to do more and more to them.
I don’t want you to think I am bragging. The truth is I’m a humble guy that used to be terrible at pleasing women. I will be the first to admit, as a young cocky guy, I thought I had sex all figured out. Until my wife left me for another man.
Over time I discovered that when it comes to sex, our male ego is desperate to hang on to every sexual success to provide us irrefutable proof that we are “good in bed.”
The sad truth is, we are simply lying to ourselves to avoid shame and embarrassment. Because the truth is, in our culture it is very hard to find good, reliable information on what to do to please our female partners.
I know because I have been looking for years. Long story short, I was so unsatisfied with the content I was finding, I decided to begin collecting ideas and techniques myself. Thinking some day I might be able to share with others like me.
For 15 years I have been testing techniques, providing sensual massage services to women, and practicing what I have been learning. Along the way, I have been recording these practice sessions in hopes that I could publish my masterclass. (Only women who have signed a release and consented to being on video appear in my masterclass)
This is a formidable task for one guy to accomplish. I now have over 1000 videos of 100’s of different techniques that I have recorded from up to 5 different cameras at a time. I see each session I do as a “theme” for you to learn and try on your partner.
Before I tell you more, I want to say this.
This is not going to be harder, more difficult, or more work than what you already do.
You very likely will spend more “time” on your partner, but it will be of a much higher quality. Higher quality time and enhanced sexual quality will very often lead to a more loving and connected relationship. (not to mention a much happier partner.) So it is time well spent.
As you learn the material in this course, expect to have your partner become more interested in sexual activities, more easily aroused, more orgasmic, and more into you.
Now here is the hard part:
You must let go of most of what you think you know about how to rock a woman’s world. You have been influenced by porn, movies, media and culture to believe a lot of inaccurate information.
You have been further convinced in the accuracy of the inaccurate information by the times that using the inaccurate information has worked and been successful for you.
I’m not saying you are doing anything wrong or that she doesn’t like or even love some of the things you do. I’m saying there is more, much more that she wants, that is not yet on your radar.
I’m here to show you some new tools.
Consider this. If you begin your sexual activity at 18 and continue it until age 68, that is 50 years of having sex. If you consider you could easily have sex every day, that provides for the possibility of 18,000 + encounters.
If you are doing the same 1 or 2 or 5 things, you will be repeating them over and over and over. Even if you only have sex once a week, you can see how monotony can creep into your love life.
This is a very real and common problem for people. Sometimes even “love” can’t overcome boredom.
This is what happened to me. I had no diversity. No tools. Nothing new to delight my partner with some creativity and fun in our lovemaking. That is what led to my divorce.
I want something better for you.
When you get my Masterclass, I will show you 100’s of unique ways to touch your partner that will delight her. I will show you how touch can make her feel treasured, adored and tended to. Most women say it makes them feel beautiful.
I will show you how to successfully dial down her guard. You know, that “I have a headache” so don’t touch me mood she puts on her face? Instead she thinks you have something new and exciting to try tonight!
I’m not going to tell you near as much as I am going to show you. But I want you to be prepared, this is nothing like a porn video. I am going to show you everything. In as graphic of detail as I can accomplish without being inside of her.
In fact, two of my cameras are looking straight up between her legs so I can show you what “real” female responses and orgasms look like.
My goal is to make you an amazing pro, with reading and pleasuring the female body. But it doesn’t look like almost anything you’ve ever seen before.
My biggest challenge with you will be getting you to believe that what I am showing you is so much more than what it looks like. So I am going to lead with this.
The biggest mistake we make in pleasing women is giving too much.
Don’t worry, I tell the women the same thing. Ever had a woman try to give you a hand job and it felt like she had sandpaper wrapped around your penis?
Over-giving results in a very awkward situation. No one wants to tell the other person “you’re doing it wrong.”
Our egos are far to fragile around our sexuality to cope with the embarrassment of inadequacy or worse, incompetency.
Back to new tools. There is a reason women pay me to touch them. It is because I check my ego at the door for their session.
I don’t think for a second that all she wants or needs is my manhood thrusting deep inside her until she has her glorious orgasm on me.
I don’t deny that there are times that is exactly what she wants. But get this, she gets tired of that as a steady diet. She wants diversity and creativity.
When women are contemplating coming to me, they text me with questions. Here is the absolute most common question: “What are you going to do to me?” I can tell you, with no uncertainty, they don’t want the answer to be “I’m going to fuck you.”
When I tell them the different ways I am going to tease them, undress them, and explore them, they drop everything and drive to my studio as fast as they can!
Women crave us being into touching their bodies and genitals. Us guys do a terrible job of fulling this need.
So I have put together instructional videos, not only telling you what to do but actually showing you.
I’ll demonstrate hundreds of different ways to touch, feel, massage and explore her clit that will give you an edge over 98% of men right from the start.
I’ll show you how to get her so hot and wet, that she will beg you for all kinds of crazy encounters.
I’ll teach you why slowing things down will drive her crazy with lust and desire.
I’ll show you dozens of ways to touch her labia to have her squirming and ready for more.
I’ll show you what her introitus is and why you need to spend a lot more time on it.
Then I will show you exactly what to do to it to make it easier for her to orgasm.
I’ll show you what she wants and doesn’t want you to do to her vagina. Clue Less is more for many women.
I’ll show you all kinds of ways to read your partner and be more present with her arousal. This is huge for building a bond with a woman and growing the love connection.
I’ll show you her G-Spot and several ways to touch it; combining G-Spot touch to give her mind shattering orgasms.
I’ll show you women who ejaculate, so you can see what I am doing to cause what women claim are the best orgasms ever.
I’ll get you past being intimidated by vibrators and sex toys. Guys, these toys are your new wingman.
They don’t replace you; they make you her superhero. Trust me. You won’t go wrong making her orgasms bigger, stronger and more frequent. (Of course, subject to her agreement.)
I will show you ways to position her body and put her in vulnerable situations she will absolutely love.
You will get all kinds of new ideas and things you can try on your lover. The huge bonus in this is that as you try and perfect these new skills, you discover that you can create an infinite number of combinations that can provide an endless stream of different sexual encounters over time.
Sex will NEVER be boring or mundane again.
And as an exclusive to this program only. I will show you her vestigial penis. This is a remarkable part of her genitalia that is so unknown and so unexplored that you will be the first to ever discuss it with her. She will be so excited for you to explore this with her.
My exclusive content is truly remarkable. If you follow it as intended, you will enhance your skills by tenfold at least. This will assure that you always have new things to try so as to keep sex with you creative, surprising and most of all – mysterious.
The Best He’s Ever Had
Ladies, I know you are already amazing in bed. But I am going to be truthful with you.
Generally speaking, women aren’t any more skilled with men’s genitals than men are with women’s.
How do I know? I have hired at least 100 women to help me make my videos teaching women, The Best He’s Ever Had. Very few women have skills, creativity, or techniques that are distinguishable from any other women.
I’m not here to diminish your confidence or self-esteem about your skills. But if I am not honest with you, I can’t help you.
If you don’t set your ego aside like I am asking men to do, you will continue to think that because you know how to make a man ejaculate, that you are “good” in bed.
Ejaculation is adequate. If you want him to bring quality, you have to bring quality to him as well. And quality is much more than just making him cum.
I’m going to teach your partner how to expand his creativity, skill and repertoire. What I will be teaching him will be remarkable for you.
You will want to reciprocate with something new and remarkable for him. Here is what I am telling him:
“Over time I discovered that when it comes to sex, our ego is desperate to hang on to every sexual success to provide us irrefutable proof that we are “good in bed.”
The sad truth is, we are simply lying to ourselves to avoid shame and embarrassment. Because the truth is, in our culture it is very hard to find good, reliable information on what to do to please our female partners.”
It is not any easier for women to obtain good reliable information on pleasing men sexually either.
In 2005 I began filming a video series for women called “101 Ways to Drive Your Man Crazy With Your Hands.”
The women who helped me film the series tried it at home on their partners. Soon I was hearing stories from these women about how men were buying them cars, proposing, and other game changing situations.
I am going to give you a warning about this content that I so far only have to give to women:
Be careful to not use this material on men that you are not certain that you want to have an ongoing relationship with.
What I teach women is highly addictive to men, and some men will recognize you as a remarkable lover and will not want to let you go.
I know this sounds overconfident on my part, but I am not telling you this because of what I believe. I tell you this only as feedback from the women who use it and tell me how it works for them and how hard it is to break up with men that have experience this material.
I am going to teach you Power. Control. Confidence; by way of Presence
and Skill.
These are attributes men want you to use in the bedroom. We want you to control us. Just like you like us to control you.
I’m not talking about emotional control. I’m talking about physical control.
In the first Lesson you will be trying things you never thought of trying on you partner. You will be playing his body like it has never been played before.
And there is something in it for you. The more skill and amazing touch you bestow on his genitals, the more he will want to reciprocate in like kind.
This material can spice up your love life in unimaginable ways. But it only works if you are willing to be open to doing different things that our culture and porn has not showed you yet.
I will show him how to not use the porn mentality on you. This will work better for you if you support him by not using the same female version of porn mentality on him.
Before I tell you more, I want to say this.
This is not going to be harder, more difficult, or more work than what you already do. In fact for women, what I teach makes what you get to do easier, and more fun.
You very likely will spend more “time” on your partner, but it will be of a much higher quality. Higher quality time and enhanced sexual quality will very often lead to a more loving and connected relationship. So it is time well spent.
As you learn the material in this course, expect to have your partner become more interested in sexual activities that are about you. This work is very good at opening new dialog about sex and what you want or need.
I’m here to show you some new tools.
Consider this. If you begin your sexual activity at 18 and continue it until age 68, that is 50 years of having sex. If you consider you could easily have sex every day, that provides for the possibility of 18,000+ encounters.
If you are doing the same 1 or 2 or even 5 things, you will be repeating them over and over and over. Even if you only have sex once a week, you can see how monotony can creep into your love life.
This is a very real and common problem for people. Sometimes even “love” can’t overcome boredom. This is what happened to me. I had no diversity. No tools. Nothing new to delight my partner with some creativity and fun in our lovemaking. That led to my divorce.
I don’t want this to happen to you.
When you get my Masterclass, I will show you hundreds of unique ways to touch your partner that will send his mind reeling. When the more skilled and practiced women do this to me, I have to say I honestly like it better than intercourse, and even better than oral sex. It becomes an extraordinary mind and body experience.
I make it really easy to practice on him with what I call “follow along videos.” Simply play the video near your partner where you can watch it, and do to him what the woman in the video is doing to the man in the video.
My biggest challenge with you will be getting you to believe that what I am showing you is so much more than what it looks like. That this is all it takes to please a man.
You will want to do more. My job is to convince you to try what I am showing you, exactly as I am showing you.
The biggest mistake we make in pleasing men is giving too much. Don’t worry, I tell the men the same thing. Ever had a man try to stroke your clit and do it way too hard? It is easy for you to do what I am going to show you, too hard on him.
Over-giving results in a very awkward situation. No one wants to tell the other person “you’re doing it wrong.” Our egos are far too fragile around our sexuality to cope with the embarrassment of inadequacy.
Here is a clue; If you are doing something to his penis, and he wants to change to something else, your desired delivery is not going well. I teach you how to read his penis, so you know more about what is going on with him than he does.
For you, I have put together a bunch of follow along videos – not so much telling you what to do but mostly showing you.
I’ll show you 1000’s of different ways to touch, feel, massage and explore his penis and testicles that will give you an edge over 98% of women right from the start.
I’ll show you how to read his penis, so you are in complete control. But first I show you what to Not do to his penis, that virtually all women intuitively want to do.
You know how there are some things most guys do to you that you don’t like? We have some don’t likes as well. I’ll show you in the first video.
I’ll teach you why slowing things down will drive him crazy and put you in more control; that he will love you yielding any time you want. I call this “Stimulate, Maintain, Retreat.”
Its much easier than what you usually do, stimulate, stimulate, stimulate. And it is much more pleasurable for him.
I’ll show you dozens of ways to use your hands that will have him ‘peeking’ just to see what you’re doing. Men like surprises and mystery too! Some titles he will love: “Movement” and “Better than a Blowjob”
I’ll teach you what I call “Ejaculation on Command.”
When you decide its time for him to cum, you will have ways to make it happen in seconds.
I’ll also coach you on the things you inadvertently do that can interfere with being able to cause ejaculation on command. Men need a specific sequence for you to be able to optimally control him.
If you ignore the sequence I show you, he can lose his arousal, just like you do when he doesn’t follow the sequence your body needs.
I’ll show you all kinds of ways to read your partner and be more present with his arousal. This is huge for building a bond with a man and growing the love connection.
I’ll show you how to train a man that suffers with premature ejaculation; to control his arousal and redistribute his excitement so he can savor it and last longer.
I’ll show you erection techniques that you can try on partners that suffer from erectile dysfunction.
I’ll teach you about his prostate, the so-called male g-spot and some things he might let you do with his anus and penetration. (Of course, subject to his consent.)
You will get all kinds of new ideas and things you can try on your lover. The huge bonus in this is that as you try and perfect these new skills, you discover that you can create an infinite number of combinations that can provide an endless stream of different sexual encounters over time.
Sex for both you and your partner will NEVER be boring or mundane
If your partner likes oral sex and you would like a break sometimes, order now. This kind of touch feels so amazing, when done as intended, I actually prefer it over oral sex. your partner probably will too!
But in combination with oral sex, it is mind blowing. If you get a tired jaw or have other reasons that you would like to please your partner, but with less stress or work, this course is for you.
This content is truly remarkable. If you follow it as intended, you will enhance your skills by tenfold at least. This will assure that you always have new things to try to keep sex with you creative, surprising and mysterious.
What you will get today:
I have been recording videos with the intention to provide this masterclass for years. Until now, I never had a clear-cut curriculum to begin with. My courses vary in style. We have been working on editing and packaging the program for release in 2021.
But as of the writing of this page we are in the corona virus turmoil of 2020.
Since you are home and have time on your hands, I wanted to pre-release this content early so you and your partner can put it to work now while you might really want or need it.
So instead of the $995 price we plan on launching each course; or the $1795 for the combo; we are launching a Beta version of the courses for $249 each, or $449, for both courses.
These packages have all the content that I have been teaching couples for years on a 1 on 1 basis. They really work as amazing as they are.
But at this time, it is just not as pretty of a website and design as I will eventually develop. So my less than optimal level of polish is your deep discount.
I will be forging ahead on polishing up the courses and delivery while we are all under stay at home orders. Before my product is refined; if you buy now, you will see all the new refinements over the next few months.
And your subscription is LIFETIME so you will be getting all our new content forever!
When I am done with all my refinements, we will increase the price to $995 each and $1795 for the combo package, but only for new customers.
So, get yours now!
If you are not completely satisfied within 7 days, contact me directly for a full, 100% refund.